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We Believe In: 


  • Speaking Truth to Power


  • Bold Creativity​


  • Self-Expression in Contracts & Work


  • Intersectional Feminism


  • Decolonizing & Unlearning Internalized White Supremacy


  • Speaking & Writing in Plain Language


  • Passion, Pleasure, & Satisfaction in Life and Work


  • Deep Self-Reflection


  • Challenging Hierarchies of Expertise


  • Work Without Borders & With Global Economic Equity

We provide:
legal guidance & analysis, contracts transformations, negotiation support, and outside general counsel services.


Companies eager to scale-up and generate greater social impact often find legal services near the end of the list of things to consider—for good reason!


Our existing legal concepts around contracts were built for white men to control, extract, and hold on to wealth. No matter how much has changed within the legal system (e.g., greater technology use, more womxn lawyers, discussions of DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) & ESG (Environmental, Social, & Governance)), the way we think about, advise on, & draft contracts is stuck perpetuating an outdated patriarchal paradigm. Our negotiations are steeped in a win/lose paradigm despite the decades of evidence proving a win/win approach is far more effective.


This paradigm keeps legal as an isolated—but needed—department separate from your business strategy development; it's where to go for formal bureaucracy, templated documents, and compliance/rules on what's legally required or how to engage in defense & offense. It's also for most clients a source of fear, frustration, avoidance, or eager adversarial tensions that misalign with their true values and goals.

Those feelings are a product of the system working exactly as intended.


We're here to break out of this system and replace it with a liberatory approach to contracts & negotiations that:


1) integrates your values,

2) increases clarity, communication, and collaboration throughout your work, &

3) shifts fear into trust through relationship-focused solutions that aim to reduce future legal costs.


We help you generate transformative value from some of your MOST under-utilized brand assets and resources: YOUR CONTRACTS! We believe that the best business guidance understands how the decisions within—and absent from—your contracts affect and reflect every facet of your company. This isn't hyperbole, we mean business.


We developed our Legally Unconventional approach to help transform the way we all work while challenging hierarchies of expertise. When you work with us, you get more than our skills in plain language, clear expectations, user experience, & visual design; you get to co-create a new paradigm.

Our Sliding Scale Pricing Model

How our Fees Work:

We are proud to offer our services on a sliding scale to help feminist founders, visionary thought leaders, and revolutionary companies transform the way we work, and envision a more liberated future. As an Access-to-Justice organization, offering our services on a sliding fee scale is one way we embody our goals of Transforming the Way We Work & Challenging Hierarchies of Expertise. The existing economic paradigm is built on the idea that wealth gets more wealth and privilege gets more privilege. We believe in intentionally countering that premise by providing greater access specifically to those who are marginalized and oppressed in our society. We believe fee structures like this can be a meaningful part of redistributing wealth for greater equity.


We encourage all of our potential clients to submit the application if they would like to be placed on our sliding fee scale, as the majority of our clients receive a reduced fee rate.

  • For those who choose to pay our full rate fees, THANK YOU! Your acknowledgment of your ability to pay supports Access-to-Justice and helps to subsidize our work with clients further on our sliding scale.


  • For those who are placed on our sliding scale & receive a reduced fee offer, THANK YOU for the time you dedicate to generating a better future! Increasing your access to services is a part of how we shift the future together, through mutual aid & solidarity.

Let's Create Something Radical Together, Connect with us on Social:

  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

We're Here, We're Queer, & We're Dedicated to

Reducing Exploitation and Oppression in Our Work, in Our Lives,

and Our Business Practices.


#BlackLivesMatter     #LiberateYourContracts


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